Privacy Policy

Cookies and Local Storage

This site uses Cookies in order to identify your computer, and allow us to associate requests from your computer with the relevant user account. Local Storage also provides useful functionality, such as remembering user preferences from previous browsing sessions. By using CoinCapers, you are agreeing with our use of Cookies and Local Storage outlined above. Cookies and Local Storage may be cleared or blocked at any time, however the functionality of this site will be severely limited if you choose to block them.

Data Collection

When you use Discord or Google Sign-In to access our services, you agree to share basic account information with us. The purpose of this is so that this information can be easily accessed at a later date, without having to make additional requests to the sign-in provider.
When you sign in, we collect the following information:

  • Discord ID
  • Discord Username
  • Discord Avatar

  • Google ID
  • Google Username
  • Google Avatar

We do not collect passwords or any other sensitive information.
Note that your Display Name, Avatar will be publicly displayed on your profile page on the site.

External Offer Walls

When using the external offer providers on CoinCapers, they may collect additional data from you. Data collected by these companies is not accessible by, or stored by CoinCapers. Each offer wall has its own Privacy Policy, which should be read carefully before providing any information.

IP Addresses

When accessing CoinCapers, we record and store your request IP address, which we may be stored for up to a year after the address was last seen.
This is done in order to identify location inconsistenties, and flag potential VPN services in order to identify illegal/fraudulent activity.